Saturday, August 6, 2011

James is here

Well I wanted to keep a good record of James's birth and for those who happen to want to know how it went the is what happened.
He arrived 8 days overdue. I was totally ready for him to be here.

Well i was having some pretty intense contractions Friday night so we went into the hospital and they said that i was only dilated to a 1 and they sent us home. So the contractions continued. The only way i was able to get rest was by taking a nap and sleeping for 1-2 hours every once and a while. I was exhausted. Adam was amazingly supportive and went on walks with me, got me water and food, and blew up my exercise ball so i could sit on it. Finally on early Monday morning i started having contractions 5 min apart for 2 hours- they were being consistent so we went in again. I got checked and i was dilated to a 6 Woo Hoo we got admitted into the hospital. I was checked in about 4:30 and was dilated to a 9 at 11 but since James was facing anterior he got stuck on my cervix and wouldn't progress. We were stuck for about 3 hours. Dr. Robinson came in and said that he wanted to give me pitossin to see if that would help me progress to a 10 and if it didn't work within an hour then i would need to have a C-Section. By this point i was hurting and exhausted, i was at the end of my rope and i needed something to help with the pain. I had been doing it natural all the way up to this point. So I decided i wanted an epidural. Gery came in and started my epidural and it felt amazing. I told him that he was my favorite person that day. Thank heavens for Gary. I was so tired, I fell asleep for about an hour after getting the epi and then my nurse came in and asked if i wanted to start pushing. I said sure. Luckily the epi has relaxed my cervix to a 10 so i could push instead of having a C-Section. So we started to push and it to was about an hour of pushing before he came. Dr. Robinson said that I was a good pusher and that everything went well. James William Gedeborg was here he weighed 8lbs and 5.5oz and was 21 inches long.

The doctor even let me cut the umbilical cord even which was really cool!

The recovery room was amazing we got a family room that had a queen size bed and I loved being able to sleep with Adam and relax.

The recovery has been going fantastic and James has been eating like a champ. I Am addicted to his sweet face and can't get enough of holding him and kissing his face and playing with his cute toes. So he is here YAY!!!


  1. Yay!!! We are so grateful James is here - what a precious gift from Heaven! Congratulations!!!

  2. Glad that your delivery went well and that you didn't need to have a c-section. Those are no fun, and the recovery is even worse. Congratulations on your handsome little boy :D Good name too!
